Condo & Apartment Soundproofing
The #1 Requested Soundproofing Is In Condominiums and Apartments

Condo living can be close living, and with that comes noise issues. The number 1 soundproofing projects come from people living in a condo. With condo living, walls and ceilings are shared surfaces.Newer high end buildings today usually have a high degree of soundproofing exceeding building code standards but may still leak if it was not properly installed. Older buildings and lower priced properties may not have not been properly designed to meet the privacy needs of the homeowner. Today's materials are cheaper, lighter, and lower in sound blocking quality that even though you might have insulation in there, it doesn't help! Open pore insulation is great at absorbing resonance in a wall but the wall is not thick enough for the insulation to stop the sound.
We have a solution. Typical condo soundproofing will be us adding soundproofing products to your walls or ceiling, depending on the noise issue you have. Applying our Barriers, acoustical insulation and isolation clip system, we can really reduce the noise coming into your condo and make it feel like home again.
For Wall Soundproofing the most typical solution it to treat the wall directly. This can be by finding what wall the noisy neighbor is on and treating it directly. Of course we like to soundproof the noise side, but in many cases we can not. So our procedure to soundproof walls on your side of your condo or apartment is still very effective. The best way to do this is to get into your walls and apply our soundproofing material, but we have other options like adding to your existing walls. Though not as effective, adding different soundproofing materials to the walls, like our REVRB Acoustical panels or another layer of sheetrock with green glue compound, it could take the edge off to let you sleep at night! For more information on soundproofing your walls, please visit our wall soundproofing page or contact us today!

See below for the most Common soundproofing areas in your condo or apartment!
For Ceiling Soundproofing the most typical solution it to treat the ceiling directly. Ceiling soundproofing is a bit harder because of the noise that comes from above. Walking noise is the most common noise that is requested to be reduced. Of course we like to soundproof the noise side, but in many cases we can not. So our proven procedure to soundproof your ceiling of your condo or apartment is still very effective. There is two ways we can reduce the noise from above, both footfall (walking / impact noise) and talking noise. First would be to remove your existing ceiling, apply soundproofing materials within your ceiling, and then finishing your ceiling off to be just how it was before. This drops your ceiling roughly 2-3". Second option is performed if you have very high ceiling height. We would decouple your current ceiling from the walls, then frame up a new ceiling under your existing. This new ceiling will be completely decoupled from the existing ceiling as well so that minimal vibration would get through. After that we will apply soundproofing materials within, and finish off just like your old ceiling. This procedure does drop your current ceiling heigh 6"+ depending on how we would have to frame the ceiling. This option is best if you have ceiling height over 9'. For more information on soundproofing your ceiling, please visit our ceiling soundproofing page or contact us today!